Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Great Food Choice For the

Health Conscious People

Health professions know they can give their patients the latest in designer pharmaceutical and the most advanced surgical techniques but they also know that some of the most promising and encouraging research is coming from the food arena.

More and more clinical studies and clinical trials are showing powerful constituents in foods have documented healing qualities.Most people have very unhealthy diets, leading to being overweight, obese, unhealthy, sick and diseased. If food is medicine how did all this happen? The answer is in the type of food that people eat.

Most people never eat what they don't like the taste of, even if it could save their life. You can acquire a taste for most healthy foods, it just takes time, but most people will not even make the effort.

Keep Food Warm in a Chafing Dish

People equate food with pleasure and they are more than willing to overeat foods they like. Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner are perfect examples.Most people with health issues in North America have health problems related to pain, blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease.

What they don't realize is there are foods that can help restore their health and bring those problems to a zero balance.Our bodies have thrived on foods for millions of years, and we have evolved without any deficiencies of prescription drugs, Nor have we had deficiencies to sugar laden, boxed cereals, or fried foods.

In recent decades, we have all kinds of nutritional deficiencies where we appear to have clusters of diseases.For example, the Japanese have much lower rates of heart disease than North Americans. People from India rarely get dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Home Made Food Will Save Your Life and Save Money

People in Villacabamba live well beyond 100 years and are strong and virile until they take their last breath.They have very few diseases or illnesses. All of these groups eat something that the other groups don't. And they eat food that North American's certainly don't get enough of.

A lot of North Americans allow a vegetable to go skittering across their plate once in a blue moon and they will eat it only if they like it.In contrast, other cultures eat mainly fruits and vegetables and their lifestyles are much more active. They don't sit for hours like couch potatoes watching TV or playing computer games.

The solution for us all is to improve our diets and get more exercise, even if it just a walk for a few blocks to get us started. The consensus is that North Americans are undernourished and overfed.

Read Food Labels For Your Health

The Surgeon General states that two-thirds of all the deaths in the US are caused directly by poor diet.The top endemic health problems in North America are heart disease, obesity, cancer Alzheimer's, dementia, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and allergies are all linked to diet.

These conditions can all be reversed and prevented by eating the right foods. So get out your shopping cart and start introducing the right foods into your diet today. You'll thank yourself twenty years from now.
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Eating healthy food will charge you with loads of energy and also make you feel great from within. Healthy foods boost our body's immune system and help us in developing resistance to infections by combating disease producing pathogenic organisms that happen to enter our body.

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