Friday, June 1, 2012

Super green foods - Amazing Benefits

By Richard Matthews

Spirulina is a type of blue green algae from the genus Arthrospira. Growing in warm and alkaline fresh water, Spirulina is essentially a single celled cyanobacterium with a twisted and spiral strand physical form, hence its name. From the Latin word for little spiral or helix, Spirulina is a prevalent health supplement for health buffs. Right now it's being named as a superfood since it contains several essential vitamins and minerals like proteins and vitamins for the health and wellness of the body.

According to experiments by trustworthy researchers, Spirulina was discovered to be a part of the daily diet of the Kanembu people in Chad in Africa. As early as the 9th century, the Kanembu persons collected these blue green algae and utilized them to make dih, or a hardened sun-dried cake. They would crush these cakes into smaller portions and would merge these items with fresh vegetables for example tomatoes and pepper.

Superfoods are made from young cereal grasses like wheat, oats, barley, rye and alfalfa, together with chlorella, dulse, kelp, spirulina and other sea vegetables. Perhaps the most nutrient-dense foods ever existed, these grasses are richer in vitamins and minerals compared to spinach, broccoli, eggs and chicken in almost all groups such as protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, carotenoids and vitamin E.

Superfoods are the sole food items in the vegetable kingdom that enable animals to regularly maintain their weight, power and optimal health even if consumed alone. They are plentiful in unknown growth aspects, potent anti-oxidants, immune system enhancers and several health improving nutrients.

Superfoods are a group of phytonutrient-rich nutritional products derived from cereal grasses, algae and green plants. Super Green Foods have high concentrations of natural chlorophyll and are gathered seasonally to take advantage of high potencies of natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes.

Super Green Foods are a good source of minerals, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes, plant sterols and other nutritional components. There is no better natural source of nutritional vitamins than green superfoods. They're safe, good and the perfect adjunct to your everyday diet program.

Benefits naturally occurring vitamins, amino acids, minerals and enzymes consists of chlorophyll and antioxidants safe and efficient.

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Eating healthy food will charge you with loads of energy and also make you feel great from within. Healthy foods boost our body's immune system and help us in developing resistance to infections by combating disease producing pathogenic organisms that happen to enter our body.

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